The opening of the Chess Board

Boring and featureless lawn has been transformed into a well-found area for the fans of one ancient game, which combines sport, science and art. The event awoke students and university staff’s interest.

The area which combines sport, science and art

The pro-rector responsible for maintenance, Vladimir Strizhak and the head of the Sport club, Anatoly Shendel opened the event cutting the “red” ribbon.

Vladimir Strizhak and Anatoly Shendel

The students from a modern dance team «TORYDANCE» had an honourable right to be the first for testing the chess board. The students performed an outwardly strained but very intense dance.

The students from «TORYDANCE»

In the welcoming speech the rector of Polotsk State University, Dmitry Lazovsky expressed the hope that the opening of the chess board will be the beginning of a new tradition. Dmitry Nikolaevich promised to open more such objects if the students and university staff are interested in it.

The rector’s welcoming speech

The pro-rector responsible for educational work, Denis Duk had a right to make the first symbolic move on the chess board. The doctor of historic science told the audience about some curious chapters of chess history: «We can confidently say that our ancestors started to play chess in the 11th century. But there was a period when this game was treated as gambling, and it was forbidden by church. Nevertheless, archaeologists still find chess pieces and marks of boards».

The pro-rector responsible for educational work, Denis Duk

The opening of a new sight would be impossible without the participation of Ostap Bender, the famous character of Ilf and Petrov.

The famous character of Ilf and Petrov

The culmination of the event was a friendly match between lecturers and students of PSU.

Lecturers’ team

Students’ team

The match ended up with a triumph of wisdom, prudence, patience and experience. The lecturers’ team won a victory over the students. But, a return-match is around the corner!

A friendly match between lecturers and students

The chess battle

Vladimir Filipenko, the correspondent