On May 17-18, 2011 Polotsk State University celebrated its Holiday. Many events were devoted to this Day.

The celebrations started with the solemn meeting of the University Council in the assembly hall of PSU. At the meeting the University lecturers and staff were awarded the Diplomas and Letters.

In the Cadet building (in Polotsk) it was opened a new informational and educational centre ‘Russian museum: virtual branch’. So that now, Polotsk State University is a partner of Russian State Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia). The fact that the virtual branch of the Museum was opened in the building of former Jesuitical Collegium (founded in 1581) is symbolic not only for PSU, but for its Russian partners as well. Polotsk State University became the 83th virtual branch of Russian Museum.

In Cadet building, there was also established a monumental composition ‘University Clock’. According to the initiative of the University Rector, Dmitry Lazovsky, it was decided to set the Clock in the court of Cadet building in Polotsk. The ‘University Clock’ is a very symbolic composition. Every hour one can hear the famous hymn ‘Gaudeamus’ and see little moving statues of outstanding historical personalities of Polotsk region.

On May 18, 2011 in the administrative building of PSU there took place a ceremony devoted to the opening of the monument ‘Student-girl of the XXI century’. The creator of the sculpture, Leonid Minkevich, had an uneasy task – he had to express not only the students’ strive for knowledge, but also to convey the character, habits and interests of modern young people.

And, traditionally, a chain of sports events was devoted to the celebrations. The annual relay race started on May 18 near the administrative building of PSU. Every Faculty team consisted of one lecturer and three students. According to the results, the team of the Faculty of Physical training Education got the 1st place; 2nd place – Faculty of Civil Engineering, 3rd place – Faculty of Engineering Technology.