Alexander Bakatovich
Alexander Bakatovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Construction Industry, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering

Teaching activities

In 1998 he graduated from Polotsk State University with a Bachelor degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering.
He has been teaching at the Department of Construction Industry since 2000.
Currently teaches the following disciplines:
  • Architectural Materials Science
  • Introduction to the Specialty
  • Modern Materials, Organizational and Technological Solutions in Construction

Scientific interests

  • Modified concretes and mortars
  • The use of recyclable materials in the production of building materials
  • Bio-based thermal insulation materials

In 1999, he graduated with a master's degree in ‘Construction Materials and Products’ and defended his master's thesis.
In 2002, he ended postgraduate studies with a degree in ‘Construction materials and products’ and defended his PhD thesis on the topic: ‘Masonry Mortars with a Plasticizing Additive Based on Water Treatment Sludge’.
